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Congratulations, Class of 2023; focus on unity, not divisions

Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023

Jun 7, 2023

This day that seemed like it never would arrive finally is here.

It's hard to believe today's graduates are the same cute little backpack-toting youngsters who started school about a dozen years ago. We can see them in our mind's eye, trooping into school, excited for their first day as their parents waved goodbye and sent them on their educational journey.

We marvel at these students being honored during ceremonies at schools across our region. They are remarkable young people who have loved to learn, who have flourished despite the pandemic and other threats during their K-12 years.

We need not spell out all the issues they have faced — indeed, there are too many to name.

From our vantage point, however, we see young adults from all over our Mahoning Valley remaining undaunted by those trials they’ve experienced over the past few years, whether they stemmed from COVID-19 or any other challenges in school work, employment, with their families or with life in general.

Indeed, we all hope we can continue on a path that is happy, as well as free of the pandemic and experiencing good health.

Sadly, it's likely we will remain a nation divided by our shared past. We are hopeful that these graduates may choose to overcome those divisions someday.

We hope they do tackle that challenge, and we wish them great success in that endeavor.

Aside from that, we have high hopes for the future of these young adults.

And to each member of the Class of 2023, we deliver this message:

Remain strong and true to your home and your family, but at the same time, never be afraid to take a chance at new opportunities, no matter where they may be. When a door opens, don't hesitate.

Be gracious and thankful; never forget those who helped get you to this point — your parents, family, teachers, friends — and show gratitude to those who will support you in the days and years ahead.

Stay curious, and always ask, "Why?"

Capture the emotions of eagerness, enthusiasm and wonder that you feel today, and try to remember this feeling as you travel through life. Things will become hard and dull; it's up to you to seek and find happiness.

Remember, success is a journey, not necessarily an end result. It can be achieved in large part by staying on the right path, following your heart and knowing you are doing the right thing for the right reasons.

Congratulations, Class of 2023. Make us proud!

[email protected]

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